What is Human Design?

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who we truly are” - Carl Jung

Fiona's Human Design Bodygraph chart

“We do not see the world as it is, we see the world as we are” - Anais Nin

Human Design is a system based on the exact date, time and location of your birth that gives you a roadmap to your unique energy blueprint.

It is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science - bringing together the Chakra system, the Kabbalah, The I’Ching, and western Astrology with Quantum Physics, genetics and biochemistry. Seeing your Human Design chart for the first time can be overwhelming (wtf am I even looking at?!) but once you understand the basics, you can start experimenting with the strategies of your type to see what immediate benefits you can have by living in alignment with your true design.

One of the great parts of Human Design is that the basics are also the most important pieces. From there, it’s possible to go deeper and deeper into this system depending on your level of curiosity and integration. Just learning about your Design won’t really do any good though - you’ve got to live it! There is an incredibly vast amount of information available to those who seek it through this system, but more information isn’t necessarily a good thing if you aren’t implementing it. It’s no good drinking from a fire hose when you just want to quench your thirst. So, let’s start with the basics of Type, Strategy and Authority.…

You can get a free chart here.

TYPE: There are 5 types within Human Design, Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, Manifesting Generators and Reflectors. Your Type in Human Design describes the way energy moves throughout your body, and what energies are yours to utilise consistently, and which energies you only experience inconsistently. Your Type does not change throughout your life. And each type has a unique strategy around how to best use their energy. Approximately 70% of the population are Generators and Manifesting Generators; around 20% Projectors; around 9% Manifestors and only around 1% are Reflectors.

STRATEGY: Your Strategy is determined by your Type, and is the way in which you best create opportunities.

For Generators and Manifesting Generators, their Strategy is to Wait to Respond. This means instead of initiating and going out and trying to ‘make things happen’, these folks are designed to be magnetic, feeling deep into their gut response as to whether or not they feel drawn to the thing in front of them and honouring the work and play that truly lights them up, mostly following their ‘yeses’ instead of only their ‘have-to’s’ (obviously, we all have some have-to’s, otherwise no one would ever do any laundry again!) When not in alignment, these types experience Frustration as their Not-Self theme, this is a sign they need to take more time to honour the things that truly light them up. But when living according to their design, these types experience Satisfaction as their true Self-Theme.

For Projectors, their Strategy is to Wait for the Invitation. Projectors presence can be very intense, they are designed to see deeply into the other so as to offer guidance. But in order for that guidance to land and not be felt as repelling, Projectors need to be recognised for their own brand of wisdom or skills, and invited in to share what they see. Invitations are designed to protect Projector’s precious energy by only sharing their wisdom with those who deeply see and recognise them for their guidance. When Projectors are out of alignment, they will experience Bitterness as their Not-Self theme, letting them know to take rest and not offer their guidance where uninvited. Projectors are designed to experience Success (what exactly does that mean to you?) as their true Self-Theme when living according to their design.

For Manifestors, their Strategy is to Initiate and Inform. Of all the Types, Manifestors can experience the most misalignment before finding Human Design. They are the only Type designed to Initiate things, they do not need to wait for anything. But part of Initiating includes understanding that their energy is powerful and can be felt as provocative or even disruptive, and so taking the time to Inform those around them potentially impacted by their decisions is imperative to living their true Self-Theme of Peace and avoiding their Not-Self theme of Anger when out of alignment. Informing does not come naturally to Manifestors, as usually, after a lifetime of conditioning, they can be convinced that people will hopefully just leave them alone to do their own thing if they just keep quiet, but actually the opposite is true. Anger is also difficult culturally - especially for women. We don’t have many acceptable avenues to healthily express Anger, and so many Manifestors can find themselves being chronic people-pleasers before finding Human Design.

And for Reflectors, their Strategy can seem like the trickiest to understand for non-Reflectors - but they are designed to Wait a full 28-30 days (Lunar cycle) before acting on any big decisions in life. Obviously, this isn’t always achievable, but giving themselves the most time possible to feel through all the aspects and ramifications of any big decisions is best for Reflectors. They are designed to be fluid, and so giving themselves a full lunar cycle enables them to experience all the facets of their energy before committing to big decisions in life in order to avoid feeling their Not-Self theme of Disappointment. Reflectors are not designed to have a fixed identity, and are very sensitive to their environment, so their true Self-Theme when living according to their design is feeling a sense of Surprise and Delight in the newness of each new day, and each new experience as it comes, instead of adhering to one set way of being and doing things.

AUTHORITY: Your Authority is how you best make decisions, and is based off a dominant energy centre in your chart.

Generated, or Sacral Authority (only Generators and Manifesting-Generators): this means you have a defined Sacral centre and a ‘trust your gut’ authority which will feel like being lit up by something in the moment.

Emotional Authority: this means you have a defined Emotional centre (Solar Plexus) and are likely aware you have ups and downs of Emotional highs and lows. Those with this authority are best to wait for clarity around decisions, not act in the moment from a high or low, but wait a few days to check in and see if their answer still feels like a yes or a no.

Splenic Authority: this means you have a defined Spleen, this centre is all about instinct, health, safety and survival. This authority is about tuning in to and trusting your intuition in the moment, even when it is quiet.

Heart (Ego or Will) Authority: this means you have a defined Heart centre and is all about having the will to do something. It asks that you check in in a healthily selfish way to see if this decision will mean you are taken care of in the ways you need.

Self-Projected (Identity or G-Centre) Authority (only Projectors): this means you have a defined Identity (G-Centre) and need to hear yourself talk it out to find clarity around big decisions. This isn’t about listening to others advice, it is about finding a good sounding board so that you can hear your own words and find the truth of your direction in your own voice.

Mental (none) Authority (only Mental Projectors): this means you have a combination of defined Head, Ajna, and/or Throat Centre, but no definition below the Throat. These Projectors are very sensitive to their environments, and need to find a space that feels nourishing where they can talk it out with a trusted sound board in order to hear their own truth.

No Inner Authority (only Reflectors): Reflectors have no defined centres, so their Authority is linked to their Strategy of waiting a full lunar cycle to connect to all the facets of themselves before making big decisions. Reflectors often also find it helpful to be in the correct environment and talking it out with a trusted sound board.

Those 3 pieces of Type, Strategy and Authority are the basics of knowing your Human Design, and this is just a brief outline of the complexity and nuance of each of these pieces. Beyond these starting pieces, you have Definition, Profile, Channels, Gates, Variables and Incarnation Cross to explore, which I cover in a reading. Each Human Design chart, called a Bodygraph is unique, with over 2 billion iterations and combinations possible, which goes to show how truly different we all are.

Learning your Human Design through getting a reading is a wonderful way to truly see yourself in a new light. Whether this is information about yourself, your kids, your partner or your business team - this understanding can break open the channels of clear and compassionate communication to the benefit of all involved. It gives you actionable strategies to make decisions, use your energy in a way that energises you instead of depleting you, align yourself in beneficial way in your work life and family environment, and understand the differences in those we love to forge deeper connection and understanding.

Once we can see ourselves truly, and understand our innate strengths and challenges, it opens the door to self-acceptance and self-value. What could you achieve with more self-belief? What stories around self-worth do you want your children to inherit? How could you connect to your partner on a deeper level by understanding your differences? How much more could your business thrive by understanding the innate gifts & grapples of those on your team?

I invite you to book a reading with me to learn more about your Human Design today.

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